出頭命令 Summons
(教室・アビス 昼)
Abyssian Classroom | Daytime
クロード: 思いのほか負傷者が少なくて良かったな。傷もほとんど浅いもんだし。
Claude: We really lucked out there. Fewer injuries than I would have expected...and most were minor.
ディミトリ: やはり最初から、狙いはアルファルド殿一人だった……ということだろうか。
Dimitri: I suppose the only conclusion we can draw is that they really were after Aelfric all this time...
エーデルガルト: 余計な犠牲を出さないよう、雇い主から指示を受けていたのかもしれないわね。
Edelgard: Perhaps they were instructed to avoid unnecessary casualties...
ヒルダ: ところで、あの人って枢機卿だったの?ほんとにいるのねー、枢機卿って。
Hilda: Is that Aelfric guy really a cardinal? Are the secret cardinals really a thing? I thought that was a myth.
リンハルト: 枢機卿団でしたっけ。灰狼の学級の皆は、アルファルドさんがその一員だって……
Linhardt: Hard to believe. Did you folks in the Ashen Wolves know that?
バルタザール: ……知らなかったな、少なくともおれは。枢機卿が誰かは教団でも秘中の秘なんだろ?
Balthus: Nah, that's news to me. The identity of the cardinals is top secret, even within the church.
He never would have told us something like that. Oh, except maybe Yuri...
ユーリス: ああ……あの人とは、いろいろと話す機会も多かったからな。
Yuri: He and I talk about a lot of things.
But right now, I'd say we have more important topics to discuss than his title.
Aelfric's been kidnapped. What are we going to do about it?
コンスタンツェ: ……ですが、あの方を助け出すためとはいえ宝杯を悪党ごときに渡せはしませんわよね。
Constance: Even if it is in the name of rescuing him, we simply cannot hand over the chalice to those scoundrels!
ハピ: 渡しちゃえばいーじゃん。みんなは反対だろうけど。
Hapi: Let's just give them the thing and be done with it.
アロイス: ぬ! 知らせを受けて来てみれば、先生までいるではないかあ! どうしたのだ!!?
Alois: Professor! I came as fast as I could when I heard the report. I had no idea you'd be here!
ユーリス: ええと……このうるさ、いや、騒がしい騎士殿は、先生の知り合いか?
Yuri: Is this loud...uh, excitable knight a friend of yours?
Choice 1: 父の部下だ He's a friend of my father's.
アロイス: そのとおり! セイロス騎士団長代理であるジェラルト殿の右腕、アロイスという!
Alois: Precisely so! I'm Alois, right-hand man to the former captain of the Knights of Seiros, Jeralt!
コンスタンツェ: あら……と、いうことは、先生は騎士団長の子供でしたのね。
Constance: Oh my. That means our professor here is the child of a captain!
Choice 2: 頼れる騎士だ He's a trusted friend.
アロイス: はっはっは! 私の名はアロイス!騎士として教団に身を置いている者だ!
Alois: You humble me, Professor! I'm Alois. I serve the church as a knight of Seiros.
Choice 3: 赤の他人だ I don't know this man.
アロイス: ぬお!? じょ、冗談とはいえ、このアロイス、流石に悲しいぞ!
Alois: Professor! I love a good joke myself, but that one was rather cruel, don't you think?
アロイス: で、アルファルド殿が何者かに誘拐されたという話だが……
Alois: Now, about Aelfric's kidnapping...
Since he's an important member of the church, we must use any means necessary to find him.
That said...most of the holy knights have been deployed to deal with the Western Church.
バルタザール: ま、万全でなくとも、力を借りて損するってことはないだろ。
Balthus: Sure, but any knights are better than no knights, yeah?
アロイス: 確かに万全とは言い難いが……残ってる騎士も皆、良いガタイを……
Alois: I like your attitude, though I'm still embarrassed that we're not in full force... But hey, at least we're quite forceful!
ユーリス: それより、この書簡をどうぞ。枢機卿をさらった者が残したと思われます。
Yuri: Ugh. Here, take this letter. We believe it was left by whoever kidnapped the cardinal.
In it, the enemy clearly spells out their plan. They're after a chalice that was hidden beneath Abyss.
アロイス: お、おう。宝杯……宝杯……ううむ…………むむっ、あの宝杯か!?
Alois: A chalice, hm? A chalice... Hmmm... Ah! Do you mean THE chalice?!
But no, why would it be there? I've never heard anything about it being stowed away in Abyss.
THE chalice は ジ・チャリス
バルタザール: あー、それがですねえ……
Balthus: Then this is gonna come as a shock, pal.
アロイス: ぬ……ぬわーーーー!!ここ、これはまさか宝杯ーー!?
Alois: What in the goddess's name?! Is that really the chalice from the legends?!
コンスタンツェ: この可能性が非常に高い、というのが私たちの結論ですわ。
Constance: The probability of that is unassailably high, yes.
ハピ: おっそろしー護衛がついてたし、謎の封印も施してあったし。
Hapi: It was guarded by a bunch of giant, creepy toys. There was powerful magic protecting it and everything.
Choice 1: 信じてほしい Please believe us.
Choice 2: この目で見た I saw it with my own eyes.
アロイス: むう……貴殿らがそう言うのならば……宝杯の封印に関しては、真実なのだろう。
Alois: If you say so. Wow, that means the story about the chalice being bound was true.
Well, what's done is done! Oh, but I guess it's not done just yet.
I must report this to Lady Rhea at once!